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Liczba pokoi
Cechy dodatkowe
Metraż [mkw.]
Cena zł brutto [mkw.]
Cena zł brutto
M01 > 0 2 58.90 21 000 1 236 900 Wolne
M02 > 0 5 134.30 20 000 2 686 000 Wolne
M04 > 1 3 87.46 16 500 1 443 090 Wolne
M18 > 3 3 87.46 17 500 1 530 550 Wolne
M19 > 3 1 35.21 20 000 704 200 Wolne
M20 > 3 1 35.24 20 000 704 800 Wolne
M24 > 4 3 80.93 19 500 1 578 135 Wolne
M27 > 4 1 35.24 20 500 722 420 Wolne
M30 > 4 3 80.25 19 500 1 564 875 Wolne
M32 > 5 4 152.49 26 002 3 964 999 Wolne
M03 > 1 3 80.75 18 000 1 453 500 Wolne
M05 > 1 1 35.21 19 000 668 990 Wolne
M06 > 1 1 35.24 19 000 669 560 Wolne
M08 > 1 3 89.96 17 500 1 574 300 Wolne
M09 > 1 3 80.25 18 000 1 444 500 Wolne
M10 > 2 3 80.93 18 500 1 497 205 Wolne
M12 > 2 1 35.21 19 500 686 595 Wolne
M13 > 2 1 35.24 19 500 687 180 Wolne
M15 > 2 3 89.96 18 000 1 619 280 Wolne
M16 > 2 3 80.25 18 500 1 484 625 Wolne
M17 > 3 3 80.93 19 000 1 537 670 Wolne
M21 > 3 3 111.15 17 500 1 945 125 Wolne
M22 > 3 3 89.96 18 500 1 664 260 Wolne
M23 > 3 3 80.25 19 000 1 524 750 Wolne
M29 > 4 3 89.96 19 000 1 709 240 Wolne
M26 > 4 1 35.21 - - Rezerwacja
M11 > 2 3 87.46 - - Rezerwacja
M25 > 4 3 87.46 - - Sprzedane
M31 > 5 5 151.46 - - Sprzedane
M07 > 1 3 111.15 - - Sprzedane
M14 > 2 3 111.15 - - Sprzedane
M28 > 4 3 111.15 - - Sprzedane
M33 > 5 4 191.23 - - Sprzedane

A place you deserve

Carefully designed apartments with areas ranging from 35 to 191 m2 have been prepared for people who are looking for an attractive place to live for themselves and their families.

Functional room layouts mean more room for your imagination! Here you can adjust the apartment to suit you, instead of adapting to the apartment.

Apartments on the top floor of the building have access to spacious terraces with big, stylish flower beds and - for those who value relaxation and a healthy lifestyle - a place to install a sauna.

The building's common areas have also been designed to make residents feel good even before they cross the threshold of their own apartment. The decor of the reception hall and corridors refers to contemporary design trends.